Nathan and I waited 6 weeks for this day, this day was going to be our closure. We had our appointment with DrMcgonigle Nolan and Lexi's pediatrition, to discuss things about Nolan and all questions we had.Also we met with his homecare nurse who took care of him and came to our home whenever we were worried about him.She was so great, the entire team we had were a blessing.Sandy was her name, and we were all talking about how in the beginning it was so overwhelming haveing nolan and lexi, in the first few months lexi took having a new baby home kind of hard, but eventually she really grew to love him, like peas in a pod they became inseperable.We laughed at the funny things nolan did, and his famous hair!
P.s we nathan and I got matching tattoos! the staff loved them!
Around 5pm we arrived to Dr.M's office it was empty no kids so we watched the fish in his wicked awesome tank and talked about how Nolan loved the yellow one, we always showed nolan the fish and he was just facinated with the bright yellow one, it was the cutest.Dr mcgonigle and staff greeted us with hugs and condolances,they are such wonderful people.WE have never seen drM's actual office where all his personal things are like his wall filled with all the beautiful kids who have passed on.Along with dream catchers nathan admired.We gave him photos of nolan to put up, it made me smile and awh when i seen so many trisomy 18 babies on the wall, one who lived to be 10! and especially Nalah, along with Parker.We go right to talking about how we missed him every hour of the day, and how i was inspired now to become a nurse, he highly beleives this would be perfect for me to persue that i would make nolan proud.DrM had lost his son as well and became inspired by his son to do what he's doing today, taking care of special kids.It's so amazing what he does.
Our questions were answered, Was nolan in heart failure?and did him having RSV progress this?
yes nolan was in early heart failure,RSV did play a huge factor in his death in progressing it faster.causing pheunomonia and brochilitis.He went on to tell us that Nolan died one of the most beautiful deaths he has ever seen, he went so peaceful no pain,no struggle to stay alive by machines. Nolan knew he was surrounded with love and in your arms made him know we were always there no matter what.
I asked about his Pin Pointed pupils that the nurse was saying out loud, during his last few minutes while unconcious he told us that was a sign he was passing away, that his brain was shutting down and his response system was gone.This is why his fever was uncontrolable during the last 40minutes his body wasnt responding to advil or tylenol.RSV kills the cells if it gets bad, this is what happend to nolan.Along with his early heart failure cut his life short. But nolans story is amazing he was always loved and still is!